There's absolutely nothing right about this band. First of all, they lip sync to KISS songs. Yep, can't even play instruments. Their little guitars are made out of cardboard. And their scary shoes..........tennis shoes with monster faces painted on.
I ran into these guys once.........or should I say ran over these guys.....several years ago....back when I used to drink......two in the morning.....in a bar.....I was drunk..........it wasn't pretty.
I still feel pretty guilty for being scared of midgets. But a little better since I found out that this girl I work with throws up when she sees a midget! Someday I'll blog about what happened to me when I was a kid to make me scared of them. Can only blog about Mini KISS today, folks. My midget phobia will have to be blogged out a little at a time. Um....no pun intended.
Any idea how you came by your distaste for little people (they prefer that term to others)? Maybe you had a traumatic incident when you were young with one. I knew someone back in California who was fascinated with them. He told me with a straight face that he wanted to own one! I wasn't sure if he was playing it straight or pulling my leg.
Yeah, I watched this movie when I was a teenager called "Don't Look Now." It had a suprise ending......a very scary knife-wielding midget who stabbed Donald Southerland to death. The Editor says a remake is coming out soon. I guess I should go see the remake on the big screen to help me get over my fear but I'm afraid I'll drop dead in the middle of the movie!!!!
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