Another one of my favorite people in Argenta is the Engineer’s daughter. I call her Happy Girl. I only had one child - a boy, and he’s not a boy any longer. His 22nd birthday is Saturday. But, if I’d had a little girl........I would have wanted one just like Happy Girl. She is just what you think of when you think of a little girl. She has the sweetest nature and is just a good kid. I really admire the Engineer because he takes a genuine interest in Happy Girl. He is what a father is supposed to be. Sometimes I don’t understand why people want to have children but then don’t spend time raising them – don’t enjoy their company. The Engineer gets the real meaning of having a child. He gets a real kick out of the things that Happy Girl says and does. It’s just so nice to see a father and daughter like them. My dad and I were always really close and I was my dad’s running buddy. I think of daddy when I see The Engineer and Happy Girl out and about together.
Here’s a funny story about Happy Girl. The Editor had a party Saturday night for his friend The Reporter. The Reporter is The Editor’s best friend and is moving back to New York. The Editor and I are very sad and wish he wouldn’t go. I’m gonna miss The Reporter but I’m especially sad for The Editor because he is dearly gonna miss The Reporter. Anyway, when everybody got to the party Saturday night, I was running behind. I was in The Editor’s kitchen making a cake. The Engineer and Happy Girl showed up and Happy Girl wanted to help me make the cake. She helped me break the eggs, stir sugar and sour cream, add oil, etc. Here’s part of the conversation we had Saturday night while making the cake:
Me: No. We’re boyfriend/girlfriend.
Happy Girl: How long have you guys been dating?
Me: Over a year now.
Happy Girl: Do you think you’ll get married?
Me: Um, well, Happy Girl, see, The Editor was married for a long time to somebody else and I was married for a long time to somebody else. Both marriages ended up being pretty long and painful and when you’re married for a long time like that and it doesn’t work out....you’re not in a real hurry to get back into a marriage again. I think The Editor and I are just enjoying dating, having fun, and just being good to and for each other.
Happy Girl: How long was The Editor married?
Me: 16 years.
Happy Girl’s mouth fell open and her eyes were as big as saucers!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, The Editor is ONLY 41 but I know what Happy Girl was thinking. Let’s face it....we’re just plain old in the eyes of Happy Girl. Heck, the winter of the year my dad turned 40, we had this really big snow and he took me sledding. He was running with the sled, threw the sled down, landed on top of it, and broke his collarbone. I remember thinking to myself, yep, he’s 40 and his bones are brittle now.
The Engineer said that he and Happy Girl came by The Editor’s house Halloween night but, alas, we had already left to go out and about. I’m sorry that I missed her because I’m sure she would have put a big smile on my face and made me laugh like she always does!
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