For the past seven seasons, my definition of Fall has been cooler weather, the beginning of school, the beginning of the new TV season, hot chocolate, cozy nights cuddled next to a significant other, curling up on the couch with a good book, being thankful for a warm place to live and work, etc. Not so the years before. My definition of Fall for many years was.....the phone call. Dreaded every year. Knowing it would come, hoping maybe this year would be different, and then the persistent ringing of the phone. The call would go something like this.....Kelly, it’s mom. Just wanted you to know that mama has done some X-Mas shopping for you. I’ve bought you some really pretty clothes that you’re just gonna love. And, I went shopping early enough that you can go ahead and lose weight before X-Mas gets here. If you start dieting now, you’ll be able to fit into everything I bought for you this week. As Charlie Brown would say....I got a rock.
Now let me explain a little bit about my weight. Through the years, I’ve been thin, I’ve been overweight, I’ve been curvy. I gain and lose weight for a variety of reasons. Gaining weight can happen to me when I’m depressed because I’m in a relationship that isn’t working but I feel like I’m stuck there forever. This hasn’t happened to me in a while. Not since I figured out that abuse is a choice and that I don’t have to stay in a relationship that is not working. Actually, I don’t really even deal with that anymore either. Because.......guess what’s better than that kind of relationship? Figuring out how to recognize the signs which will keep you from getting into a relationship like that in the first place. Okay, back to the weight thing. Another reason that will cause me to gain weight is totally opposite..........because I’m really happy and settled with my life and eat a little too much, and don’t exercise enough. Losing weight....different reasons for that too. A bad relationship breakup...or not in a relationship.
My mother never weighed over 98 pounds the whole time I was growing up. She was a consistent dieter and worrier. She was a huge clothes horse. Appearances were everything to my mother. When she bought a new dress (which was often), she had to have the purse, shoes, etc. to match it.
The funny thing was I never really liked the clothes she picked out for me anyway. I was polite about it (hmmmm, that reminds me of another post I’ll have to blog about being polite when getting gifts) but I rarely wore the clothes she gave me. I remember one time, she sent me this sundress through the mail for my birthday. It had these little straps that went over my shoulders. The dress was yellow with two big green bows right over each breast. It was the most god awful thing I’ve ever seen!!!!!
One of my best friends asked me why I didn’t just tell my mom to buy me clothes in the size I was wearing. If only life had been that simple with mom. But you just didn’t voice any negative opinions with her.
I am so not like my mother. I’m a lava lamp thumpin’, hippy kinda girl. Heck, I’m carrying a chicken purse right not. It’s made out of rubber and looks just like a chicken. I love that purse.
Oh, well, here’s to another great Fall season full of the kind of memories that Fall is supposed to conjure up in your mind!!!!!!!
Oh, well, here’s to another great Fall season full of the kind of memories that Fall is supposed to conjure up in your mind!!!!!!!
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