Several years ago, I worked for an advertising agency as a secretary for the Account Services Department. Each Account Executive had their own office but the secretaries were in this large, open area together. One day, I was opening my bosses’ mail (I worked for about four of them) and there was this large manila envelope addressed to blah blah’s secretary. He was in a meeting outside the office and wasn’t there. So since it was addressed to me, I slit it open and looked down inside. I could see several photographs. This was before digital cameras and these were like 5 by 7's. Anyway, I just kinda upended the envelope and as they fell out onto my desk I was so shocked I said....
And, yeah, I said it with my outside voice. Several co-workers heard me and came over to see. Scattered all over my desk were pictures of one of my bosses riding butt naked, on a donkey, in the middle of what looked like a river, with a fishing pole over his shoulder. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. He also had a huge smile on his face in each picture. Picture after picture. There was a note that said, "Dear Blah Blah’s secretary....tell Blah Blah that NEXT time he comes this way, he should stop in so I can give pictures like this directly to him."
So everybody was crowding around and I wasn’t sure what to do. Especially since I had shot my mouth off and so many people had seen the pictures. I mean, this guy was my BOSS!!!! Well, I thought about it and decided what I would do. I took the pictures into his office with a note that said....Dear Blah Blah, what are you doing Friday night? I mean, whaddaya say?????? Let’s ask Heloise.
When he came back from his meeting, he buzzed me at my desk and said "can you come in here for a minute?" I walked into his office and he said, "how many people have seen these pictures?" I said, "oh, just about everybody." I told him what had happened and he just kinda smiled. I’ll always wonder what the story was behind a man and his donkey....and his fishing pole..........
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