This was my favorite toy of all time. Did anybody else have one of these? See the point at the end of the bee's nose? That's a pen. The pens were interchangeable. It ran on batteries. You would put whichever color pen you wanted in the nose, turn on the batteries, and it would write little squiggly lines all over the page. I wish I still had mine!
Um, does a bee have a nose? I guess that's a question for The Editor. He loves bees and when he grows up he wants to be a bee keeper. He already has the bee suit and everything!
The Editor has a beeKEEPING suit. A bee suit is what the little girl wears in the "No Rain" video.
Just wanting to set that straight before anybody gets funny pictures in their head.
Well, I didn't have a funny picture in my head UNTIL you pointed that out. Now I'm laughing my ***** off. He, he, he!
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