Several years ago, I was on my way to work. It was my first work day after New Year's. I was thinking about my New Year's Resolutions. I made this mental list: I'm gonna work harder and have a positive attitude. I'm gonna be a better wife, mother, co-worker, etc. I'm gonna lose weight, save money, etc. By the time I got to work I was all pumped up. I was in a really good mood. I hopped out of the car and went bopping into the office. One of my co-workers back then was a real pain. We called her mean ole blah blah. She was sitting in the break room eating her breakfast. I walked in with a big smile on my face.
Me: Happy New Year, Blah, Blah!
Blah Blah: I've made a New Year's Resolution.
Me: I've made some too. What's yours?
Blah Blah: I'm not gonna take any shit off anybody.
Clearly, she and I had very different New Year's resolutions!!!!!
I took these pictures this morning on my way into work. There was the coolest sun pattern on the old Tower Building this morning! It's not called the Tower Building anymore. I think they call it The Catline Prine Building (I don't think I've got that spelled right either). It will always be the Tower Building to me. I used to work on the 13th floor and people would call us from the lobby and want us to come down to meet them because they were afraid of the 13th floor! Also, the elevator would announce each floor. It was like having Kraftwerk in the elevator with you. Floor 12 - pocket calculator!!!! He, he. Anyway, the pattern was beautiful!
The Editor and I were on our way from his "city house" to my "country house" last weekend and we saw this rainbow on the way. I'm not sure if you can see it in the pictures but there were actually two rainbows side by side! They were beautiful!
So for X-MAS, one of the things The Editor got me are tickets to Eagles of Death Metal. Yeah, that's right, those bad boys are gonna play at Juanita's in February.....Friday the 13th.....that seems.....appropriate. I can't wait. Better get your tickets fast. I bet this sells out!!!!!
This is the first in her series about Harper Connelly. Harper was hit by lightening and since then....when she gets close to a dead body, she can tell how that person died. If they were murdered, she can't tell who the killer is but she can see how they died. She can also tell when she is close to a dead body (like if she's walking through the woods). People hire her to walk through areas where a dead body may be located. I liked this book. That makes four different series I've read written by Charlaine Harris and I've found each one of them interesting!
Nope! I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I have a cold! Sneezing, runny/stuffy nose, headache, sore throat. The works. The Editor got it first a couple of days before X-MAS, then I got it X-MAS night! He's pretty much over it and I'm feeling better today but just haven't felt like blogging. I've done nothing but read and cross stitch and play with my new IPOD NANO that I got for X-MAS. I'm hoping I'll be back to normal in a few days!!!!!
Set in the fictitious town of Shakespeare, Arkansas, this is the first book in a series about a gal who cleans houses and solves murders. I really enjoy Charlaine Harris' writing style.
Ranulph suddenly decided that it was his duty to go and put out that light in the stable – no point in wasting oil. He was half-way across the room when he remembered his mother had told him as a small boy that no human being must set foot in the stables at midnight on Christmas Eve. It was the animals’ hour. The poor ill-treated donkey, kicked and cuffed through the centuries, yet permitted to carry a King to Jerusalem; the cow, slaughtered for man’s food yet giving its own sweet hay for a babe to lie on; the horse and the dog who bear so patiently with the folly of human kind, these are safe from man and may worship alone and at peace. Ranulph decided to leave the light alone and sat down again.
"Lillian was one of those disagreeable people who yet have some redeeming qualities, so that you can't write them off entirely – but you sure wish you could. Furthermore, I worked with Lillian, so it was in my interest to keep peace with her. Lillian was narrow-minded and gossipy, talked about her husband and daughter until you wanted them to be swallowed up into an earthquake; she knew her job and did it competently, but with so much groaning and complaining about minute details that you wanted to smack her."
This is not part of the "Sookie Stackhouse" series. It's the first in another series she wrote called the "Aurora Teagarden" series. This series is about a librarian who solves murders.
Here's your chance to read a book that has Elvis as one of it's characters and he's a vampire. Way too much fun. This is the first in a series of 8 (the ninth one is about to be published). This are the books that the HBO series "True Blood" is based on. Really, really good!
The peasants say that during the eight days before Christmas the supernatural powers are all active, fairies and demons as well as angels throng the lanes and the streams and the farmyards, and any girl who has the courage to look in a fairy well will see her fate looking back at her from the water, either the face of her husband, or if she is fated to die unmarried, a grinning death’s head.
FINALLY! Imitrex has come out in a generic form. I've been waiting several years for this! If you suffer from migraines like me you know why I'm so happy. I've had migraines for 22 years now. When I started having them, there was no such thing as Imitrex. I tried everything.....biofeedback, I went to a chiropractor and I don't know how many different medications I have been on including beta blockers. Nothing helped. When I would get a migrane, it would last for 3 days. I'd spend those 3 days in a closet, in the dark. Finally, Imitrex came on to the market. I remember the day I took my first Imitrex. I thought to myself....this will never work. In 30 minutes, my migraine was gone. Like I'd never had one at all!
If you had the chance to meet one person who had influenced your life....who would it be? I wouldn't want to meet an actor or musician, etc. I would want to meet the creator of Imitrex and shake that person's hand for changing my life.
Imitrex is expensive and the generic is expensive also but when you're in pain, you'll pay anything to get the pain to go away. Heck, if they outlawed Imitrex, I'd be just like a junkie...buying it on the street!
Luckily, I have insurance. Imitrex costs me $30.00 for 9 pills and now that there is a generic form, $10.00 for 9 pills. Without insurance, the pharmacist said that the generic would cost $160.00 some odd dollars for 9 pills. YOUCH!!! But.....Imitrex is even more than that!!! I remember years ago, before I had insurance, I used to buy Imitrex one pill at a time. Back then, it was $18.00 a pill. I would wait until the pain was so bad I had to have one. I'd go to the pharmacy, order my pill and wait. I remember at the pharmacy there was this metal bar by the checkout line and I would put my head up against this bar because it was cold and just wait for them to call my name. Gee, those were awful, painful days. Then they changed the packaging so you had to buy 9 at a time. I remember before insurance paying $170.00 for 9 pills but apparently since I've had insurance (about 4 years now) the cost has skyrocketed. The pharmacist did say that the cost of the generic will go down fairly soon.
Just wanted to pass along to migraine sufferers that there is now a generic equivalent to Imitrex which is Sumatriptan and it's less expensive than Imitrex!
So back when I blogged about him at Halloween, I promised I'd take some pictures of Beer Dude's "Major Award" at X-Mas time. So, as promised, here they are! Beer Dude was kind enough to put up with me (and the Editor) standing in front of his house with a camera while his poor dog "Mojo" stood next to the "Major Award" and barked and barked and barked! Suffice it to say....Mojo is a GREAT watchdog. I actually gave this some thought later and I'm just so glad that Mojo didn't jump up and knock the "Major Award" over. I could just see Beer Dude with his glue trying to fix a broken leg with a torn stocking telling Mojo he broke it on purpose. He, he, he.
Last year, The Editor was driving down the street which is a block over from his house and I saw the "Major Award" in the window and I yelled "STOPPPPPPP". He didn't know what was going on but he stopped. I think I scared him half to death! I told him to back up so I could see the lamp in the window. The Editor had never seen "A Christmas Story" but I remedied that situation last weekend. Merry Christmas to Beer Dude and Mojo for putting up with us!
Remember Klackers? If you were lucky, you would only get bruished wrists from this toy. If not so lucky, as they say in "A Christmas Story".....YOU'LL PUT YOUR EYE OUT! I was one of the lucky ones. This was so much was worth the bruised wrists!
Awwww. The Footsie. Put your foot in the yellow ring........swing the red ball around.......the yellow ring would go around your ankle while you jumped over the green rubber band thingie attached to the ball. Around and around it would go!!!!!! WHAT FUN!!!!!!!
"Rachell looked down at her two little daughters. How strange their eyes were in the flickering lamp light, how deep and mysterious. Their lips were laughing and childish but their eyes held incommunicable secrets. Where had they been voyaging that day? Into what heights and depths where she could not follow their thought? Jacqueline, she know, had had a great experience, Collette, perhaps, had had one too. But they would never be able to tell her about it. Children, she thought, with the dew of heaven scarcely dry upon their wings and eyes and ears that still can see and hear, tread sweet wild ways and have no words to tell of them. When they have learnt to pick and choose a telling word and a descriptive phrase the wings have fallen from their shoulders and the old ways are closed. Age has little left to tell of but memories and the trembling hope of return one day to the old paths. "
I'm having a tough time putting this book down. I am totally drawn into the world of the "du Frocq" Family.
Sloan is one of my favorite bands of all time!!! They're from Canada and are HUGE there -- barely heard of here. The band consists of four guys and the cool thing is ALL of them sing, write, play guitar, bass and drums. When they perform, they just walk around in a circle playing different instruments. When they tour in the U.S., they play small venues. They played Sticky Fingers about 5 years ago and I went to see them. Canadians actually flew to Little Rock just to get the chance to meet them. Ben and I were SO excited! We got to meet them too!
I love this song especially the lyrics -- if you'll admit that you're wrong, then we'll admit that we're right!
So the Editor has this "big comfy chair" (as he likes to call it) that we both sit in together. We spend several hours sitting in the BCC reading. Sometimes I cross stitch while he reads but most of the time I read too. Hours go by without either one of us saying much except for the occasional quote one of us will read from our respective books. It is definitely one of my favorite things to do with The Editor. I haven't been able to put my finger on exactly how to explain the feeling of peacefulness that comes over me when we are cuddled up together in this chair. That is.....until last night. As I was reading my current book, I came across exactly how BCC time makes me feel . It also explains how I feel when I'm cross stitching. "Island Magic" by Elizabeth Goudge was first published in 1934. I haven't put any quotes from it on my blog yet because the book is so good I would pretty much have to just quote all of it. Every sentence is so beautifully written. They just don't write like this anymore and I highly recommend reading all of Elizabeth Goudge's books. Anyway, here is the excerpt from the book – I've condensed it a bit.
Rachelle was sewing. She had abandoned her darning and was stitching at a lovely piece of embroidery, a strip of white satin with blue cornflowers and yellow poppies on it. She had not the slightest hope of ever finishing it, but just now and then she worked at it for a few moments because of the enjoyment that it gave her. Somehow the creation of a thing that was intended simply to be beautiful and nothing else gave her a feeling of spaciousness that was simply delicious. "Why?" she asked Andre. Andre, who was reading, removed his spectacles and thought about it. "Because a thing that has no practical value but exists simply to be beautiful, a picture or a symphony, or yellow poppies enriching white satin, is a vision of reality. A thing that's intended to be useful ties down your spirit to mundane things, but a thing that is simply beautiful opens a window and lets you go free – that's why you feel spacious. Rachelle looked at Andre. His eyes had dropped to his book again and his face looked alight. He hardly ever had time to read and she was sorry, for a book was to him what her embroidery was to her. They sat together quietly, their bodies at peace, their spirits voyaging, their hearts attentive to and conscious of each other, while the clock ticked as though each little soft sound was a tap closing more and more firmly the door that shut out the noisy world. That's how the big comfy chair at The Editor's house makes me feel.
A friend of mine has been telling me about this HBO series she watches called "True Blood" and she said she is hooked. I was flipping channels a couple of weeks ago and caught one episode. I was immediately hooked just like her. I TIVO'd the whole first season and The Editor and I are watching them a little at a time. I think I could watch all 12 eposides back to back!!!!! Is anybody else watching it?
So today's Two for Tuesday is a little different. It's one video with two songs intertwined. Have you heard about Joe Satriana suing Coldplay? He is stating that Coldplay's song "Viva La Vida" is a copy of his song "If I Could Fly". Here is a video from YouTube with both songs. What do you think?
Okay, did you feel like me this morning? It was warm in bed and cold outside and I just didn't wanna get up and go to work. But I did and I bet you did too! So grab a cup of hot coffee or hot chocolate and watch this laid back video from The Dandy Warhols!
I was an unusual kid especially when I was at school. I wasn't popular and I was really shy when I was around the popular kids. I just wasn't like all of them. I was a bit like Samantha in Sixteen Candles. I wasn't into the things a lot of the other girls were.....they were into partying and boys and sleeping around. I liked to read and was really, really, really into music. My favorite artist was KISS while the other girls were into Shaun Cassidy. Isn't it funny what passes for weird when you're in school changes to eclectic when you grow up? I think the characteristics that made we nerdy back then make me interesting now. The following quote from "Mercedes Coffin" is a teacher talking to a female student. I certainly wasn't as smart as the girl in this book but when I look back now, I'm awfully glad I wasn't really pretty and popular. I've worked for everything I have and am. I'm really only friends with one of my highschool classmates. I call her "The Librarian" because she is a librarian for one of the highschools close to my hometown. She turned out well too. I think she would agree with me that it sure would have been nice to have a teacher tell us that highschool wasn't the end all.....that there was life after highschool. Wouldn't it have been nice to have a teacher tell you something similar to the following:
People are all different, Genoa. Some are short, some are tall, some are musical, some are artistic, and the rarefied few like you are endowed with incredible brainpower. That head of yours is going to carry you through life, young lady. It's like the old tortoise and the hare story. You're going to get there, Genoa. You're going to get there, and I firmly believe you're going to surpass all your classmates because you have the one organ that can't be fixed by plastic surgery.
The first doll I ever had was a Chatty Cathy doll. She looked like the doll above except she had blond hair. I got her for X-Mas and I could pull a string on the back of her neck and she would talk. I carried her everywhere with me. Several months after X-Mas, the little round ring on the end of the string broke and the string went through the hole in her neck and into her back. I was disappointed that she wouldn't talk. My dad said he would fix her. He brought her back to me sometime later and said that he had a little bit of trouble but that he had fixed her and she could talk again. I turned her around to pull the string and....yeah....I could get to the string....because she didn't have a back anymore. My dad had chipped and chipped and chipped away her back trying to get to the string until.....well, she just didn't have a back anymore. But, boy, she could talk.
Bless Dad's heart, he always meant well. One time, I went home for a visit and he told me he would change the oil in my car for me. He got confused, drained out all the antifreeze and refilled it with oil. He felt so bad about it! I felt sorry for him. He had to take it to a mechanic and I couldn't leave till it was fixed. I missed work the next day and everything. He could never understand after that why I wouldn't let him work on anything of mine. He would say I only messed up once.
Um....I got off track, didn't I? Anyway, does anybody remember The Chatty Cathy doll? When I looked for her picture on the internet, several versions came up. Did you have a Chatty Cathy doll? If so, what did she look like?
This is the first cartoon I remember. I was under two years old when this cartoon was popular but it is one of the first memories I have. Does anybody remember Beany and Cecil? I bet The Writer does!!!
I tried to find a video for this song but couldn't. I heard this song for the first time today......gee, if there were ever lyrics that were meant for me when I left Sadistic Mama's Boy......these are the ones!!!!!!
I don't want to hear you say you're sorry I don't want to hear you say we can start all over again I think you must think that I am stupid Well I might be stupid for the rest of my life But I'll never be stupid to you again I just want it all to go away Yeah, just go away Yeah
I can see the light above me I hear the sound of a brand new song I don't want to hear your preaches Cause I know what's right, I know what's wrong I can see the light above me I hear the sound of a brand new day I'm not going to settle for less I don't think things are going to change I just want it all to go away
I don't want to hear about your damage I don't want to hear you say that you think I'm damaged too Because I know you know that the damage in me Is from the horrible things you say and do I know that the damage in me comes from the damage in you I just want it all to go away
I can see the light above me I hear the sound of a brand new song I don't want to hear your preaches Cause I know what's right, I know what's wrong I can see the light above me I hear the sound of a brand new day I'm not going to settle for less I don't think things are ever gonna to change I just want it all to go away Yeah, just go away Yeah, I don't want to talk about it I don't want to hear your lies I don't want to talk about it And I dont understand why you do not realize
You could see two of the brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, close to the Moon last night. From what I could gather from the web, this is known as a planetary conjunction. A similar conjunction will not happen again until April 22, 2009.
The Editor took these pictures last night with my camera. They're a bit blurry but hey........I got my digital camera at a yard sale for $12.00. Not bad pictures for that price........I'm not complaining. Hope you got a chance to see this for yourself!
After my last divorce, I stayed to myself for seven months. I went to work, to the grocery store, visited a few friends once in a while and that was it. I just stayed home. I had a lot of healing to do from the 12 year marriage to Sadistic Mama’s Boy. After this seven month period, I realized I was pretty lonely and I wanted to get out and about. An acquaintance of mine had been going to a club in town that catered to people more my age and she suggested I go with her. My friends said they thought I really needed to get out of the house so I ended up going. At first it was fun….lots of dancing and laughing and I made some friends. But after a while, I got into this vicious cycle. Partying every weekend. Staying out late Friday night, a little too much drinking, spending the next day sleeping, nursing a hangover and then starting all over again Saturday night. I made these friends….I called them my party friends. We almost never visited in each other’s homes, we always met down at the club. This went on for several months and my life started to feel pretty empty. I enjoyed dancing but I’m not much of a drinker. I stayed out so late that I would miss most of the next day and then I’d be in the club with my party friends again the next night. I stopped reading, cross stitching, etc. I’ve never been much for one night stands but I did date some while I was in this period of my life. I met most of these dates down at the club and I felt empty while dating these kind of guys. One night, I was at the club, I looked around and the people there….they were all having fun talking and laughing but their lives just looked pretty empty to me. It’s like they were professional partiers. I wanted more out of life. I just got up and walked out. I never looked back. And, of course, the party friends kept calling me, wanting me to come back down there but after they realized I wasn’t going to, the calls stopped. They were not interested really in doing things away from the club scene. I didn’t have a drinking problem but I haven’t had a drink since that time. I guess it was about a year after that I was lucky enough to meet The Editor. I was dating a guy (my name for him is Poolboy/Guitarman) at the time who wasn’t giving me what I needed out of a relationship. He was a professional musician and pool player and he was all about himself. I guess I should explain the definition of professional musician and pool player -- he was professional in the sense that he was trying to make a living out of his hobbies. He was good at pool and playing guitar but wouldn't we all be good at our hobbies if we didn't keep a job and our hobby was what we did all day, every day? He lived in an big ole diesel-pusher RV (yeah, down by the river, ha). Anyway, he was playing in a little coffee shop where The Editor used to hang out. The Editor and I would talk while Poolboy-Guitarman was performing. Or sometimes we would talk even if he wasn’t performing because PB-G didn’t give me much attention. He wasn’t interested in what made me happy. So The Editor and I became friends. PB-G ended up leaving me and leaving town, literally leaving in his home (which in hindsight is one of the best things that ever happened to me) and long story short…..The Editor and I started dating. Without a doubt, meeting The Editor is one of the best things that has ever happened to me.
Back a while ago, The Editor and I were hanging out reading together. I was reading “Of Human Bondage” by W. Somerset Maugham. This was one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life. Mr. Maugham, in my opinion, was a brilliant writer and this book will stay with me the rest of my life. In one part of the book, the main character, Philip, went to a club and Mr. Maugham wrote about the club in such detail -- my eyebrows went up as I read this – it sounded so much like the club I used to go to. I thought of this part of the book today as I was coming out of a library that is located across the street from the club that I used to frequent and I had to look it up and put it on my blog. Keep in mind, Mr. Maugham wrote this book in 1915 but for me, he could have written it yesterday!
"He proposed that they should go to the Bal Bullier, and Phillip, feeling too tired to go to bed, willingly enough consented. They sat down at a table on the platform at the side, raised a little from the level of the floor so that they could watch the dancing, and drank a bock. Presently Flanagan saw a friend and with a wild shout leaped over the barrier on to the space where they were dancing. Philip watched the people. Bullier was not the resort of fashion. It was Thursday night and the place was crowded. There were a number of students of the various faculties, but most of the men were clerks or assistants in shops; they wore their every-day clothes, ready-made tweeds or queer tail-coats, and their hats, for they had brought them in with them, and when they danced there was no place to put them but their heads. Some of the women looked like servant-girls, and some were painted hussies, but for the most part they were shop-girls. They were poorly-dressed in cheap imitation of the fashions on the other side of the river. The hussies were got up to resemble the music-hall artiste or the dancer who enjoyed notoriety at the moment; their eyes were heavy with black and their cheeks impudently scarlet. The hall was lit by great white lights, low down, which emphasized the shadows on the faces; all the lines seemed to harden under it, and the colours were most crude. It was a sordid scene. Philip leaned over the rail, staring down, and he ceased to hear the music. They danced furiously. They danced round the room, slowly, talking very little, with all their attention given to the dance. The room was hot, and their faces shown with sweat. It seemed to Philip that they had thrown off the guard which people wear on their expression, the homage to convention, and he saw them now as they really were. In that moment of abandon they were strangely animal: some were foxy and some were wolflike; and others had the long, foolish face of sheep. Their skins were sallow from the unhealthy life they led and the poor food they ate. Their features were blunted by mean interests, and their little eyes were shifty and cunning. There was nothing of nobility in their bearing, and you felt that for all of them life was a long succession of petty concerns and sordid thoughts. The air was heavy with the musty smell of humanity. But they danced furiously as though impelled by some strange power within them, and it seemed to Philip that they were driven forward by a range for enjoyment. They were seeking desperately to escape from a world of horror. The desire for pleasure which Cronshaw said was the only motive of human action urged them blindly on, and the very vehemence of the desire seemed to rob it of all pleasure. They were hurried on by a great wind, helplessly, they knew not why and they knew not whither. Fate seemed to tower above them, and they danced as though everlasting darkness were beneath their feet. Their silence was vaguely alarming. It was as if life terrified them and robbed them of power of speech so that the shriek which was in their hearts died at their throats. Their eyes were haggard and grim; and notwithstanding the beastly lust that disfigured them, and the meanness of their faces, and the cruelty, notwithstanding the stupidness which was worst of all, the anguish of those fixed eyes made all that crowd terrible and pathetic. Philip loathed them, and yet his heart ached with the infinite pity which filled him.
He took his coat from the cloak-room and went out into the bitter coldness of the night."
One of the many things I'm thankful for this year......Del Shores and Sordid Lives. Mr. Shores is a very talented writer and Sordid Lives is one of his creations. If you haven't seen the movie Sordid Lives, you need to pick it up. It's now a series on Direct TV - LOGO Channel. I could go on and on about this movie, series and Del Shores....and I will later........I'd actually like to break down each movie and play that Mr. Shores has written.....but for today......I'd just like to say please go out and purchase the movie Sordid Lives and see for yourself!!!!
Here's my second story. Several years ago, I was working in a large building downtown (30 floors) and our office gave each employee a 17 pound turkey for Thanksgiving. I had this terrible habit of forgetting where I parked my car in the parking deck. I still have that habit - that's what the alarm button on my keychain is for -- I set off my alarm when I'm at Wal-Mart, etc. to find my car. Anyway, the day they gave us the turkey -- yeah, that's right -- I forgot where I parked my car. It took me like forever to find it because the turkey was heavy and I had to keep stopping to rest. I kept lugging the turkey around and around the deck. When we got tired, Tom Turkey and I would stop, rest for awhile and then we would start in again. At one point, I thought about dropping Tom off the balcony and just having a good ole pot roast for Thanksgiving!!!!! I finally found my car and I didn't even have to thaw Tom out because by THAT time he was room temperature. Or should I say, parking deck temperature? HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYBODY!
Okay, so some of you have heard this before but I only have two stories that even remotely relate to Thanksgiving. And here's one. A couple of years ago, I was on the office bowling team. I am not a good bowler - hence I was the handicap for the team. I wore the handicap badge proudly for them and did a good job at being bad. It just came natural. There were these big screens at the bowling center which flashed different pictures. etc. depending on how good or bad you were bowling. Sometimes if you got a gutter this picture of a goofy turkey would come up. One night I was really holding up the title for my team - I bowled 7 gutters in a row. I heard somebody in the lane next to me say "Gee, I ain't never seen that turkey dead before!" I looked up and low and behold, there was the turkey but he was on his side and his tongue was sticking out - he was deader than a doornail. I could see people several lanes down looking and laughing. It was the only time I think I went too far with my title. I just wanted to crawl out of the bowling alley to my car - bowling shoes still on.
To me, the Pet Shop Boys have always been ahead of their time. Brilliant videos, lyrics and tunes. This is my favorite Pet Shop Boys song for many reasons - the video is gorgeous and the lyrics are classic. I've included the lyrics below.
I came across a cache of old photos And invitations to teenage parties Dress in white one said, with quotations From someones wife, a famous writer In the nineteen-twenties When youre young you find inspiration In anyone whos ever gone And opened up a closing door She said: we were never feeling bored
cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end
When I went I left from the station With a haversack and some trepidation Someone said: if youre not careful Youll have nothing left and nothing to care for In the nineteen-seventies But I sat back and looking forward My shoes were high and I had scored Id bolted through a closing door I would never find myself feeling bored
cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end We were always hoping that, looking back You could always rely on a friend
Now I sit with different faces In rented rooms and foreign places All the people I was kissing Some are here and some are missing In the nineteen-nineties I never dreamt that I would get to be The creature that I always meant to be But I thought in spite of dreams Youd be sitting somewhere here with me
cause we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never holding back or worried that Time would come to an end We were always hoping that, looking back You could always rely on a friend
And we were never being boring We had too much time to find for ourselves And we were never being boring We dressed up and fought, then thought: make amends And we were never being boring We were never being bored cause we were never being boring We were never being bored
The singer for Love Spit Love was Richard Butler who is also the singer for The Psychedelic Furs. I think Richard is the only singer who could have pulled this remake off. I love this version also. The Smiths version is still the best. Which version do you like the best?
This is the original version. To me, this is the ultimate alternative song. I think it should be #1 on any alternative song list. No matter how many times I hear this song, I never get tired of it and I have to stop and sing every word.
This is also from MTV back in the 80's. Jim Turner as Jimmy The Cab Driver. I wasn't as fond of this character. Just wanted this guy to wash his hair. In this bit, he is explaining the Breeder's video Cannonball.
If you watched MTV back in the 80's, you'll remember Randee Of The Redwoods played by Jim Turner. Jim turner played two characters (as far as I know). The other character was a taxi driver. Hope this brings back memories for you like it does me!
It was okay, but I enjoy his mother's books much more than I did this one. This was his first time out and he has two other books. At some point, I'll probably read his other two and compare them to this one.
I have a 22 year old son that I adore and two Boston Terriers. I am generally happy with my life. I work for a law firm and really like my job. My son doesn't live with me anymore but we are very close. I see and talk to him often. I have a lot of friends and an awesome boyfriend. I'm at a point in my life where I can do pretty much what I want and I really enjoy that freedom. I really try to live what I call an "AUTHENTIC" life. If it doesn't work for me, I stop doing it.