"Rachell looked down at her two little daughters. How strange their eyes were in the flickering lamp light, how deep and mysterious. Their lips were laughing and childish but their eyes held incommunicable secrets. Where had they been voyaging that day? Into what heights and depths where she could not follow their thought? Jacqueline, she know, had had a great experience, Collette, perhaps, had had one too. But they would never be able to tell her about it. Children, she thought, with the dew of heaven scarcely dry upon their wings and eyes and ears that still can see and hear, tread sweet wild ways and have no words to tell of them. When they have learnt to pick and choose a telling word and a descriptive phrase the wings have fallen from their shoulders and the old ways are closed. Age has little left to tell of but memories and the trembling hope of return one day to the old paths. "
I'm having a tough time putting this book down. I am totally drawn into the world of the "du Frocq" Family.
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