Years ago, I worked for this really big law firm. My boss was one of the head muckety mucks and he was the definition of high maintenance. He had this big meeting one day with a bunch of bigwigs. After the meeting had already started, I realized that I had forgotten to wear my slip under my dress. I started stressing. What am I gonna do? If I go home and get my slip and he tries to call me into the meeting and can’t find me, he’ll have a fit. But if I get called into the meeting and he can see right through my dress, he’ll have a fit. What a quandary. After agonizing for a while, I came up with the perfect solution. I went down to the runners office and asked one of the female runners if she would mind picking up a slip for me at Sterlings which was within walking distance of the office. She said she would so I gave her money. I went back to my desk and in a little while, here comes one of the male runners. He plops this sack down on my desk along with my change and says, "In all my years of running, I ain’t never had to run an errand like that." Definitely one of those "why me lord" moments.
This was a big firm and the runners had this big basket on wheels. They delivered our mail to us. Once in a while, this same runner would come by with the basket, and drop a package on my desk and say "panties for you" or "girdle" or "bra", etc.
This was a big firm and the runners had this big basket on wheels. They delivered our mail to us. Once in a while, this same runner would come by with the basket, and drop a package on my desk and say "panties for you" or "girdle" or "bra", etc.
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