So a couple of years ago, I had this parking ticket that I needed to pay. It was raining cats and dogs outside so this co-worker told me she would run me over to the police station so I wouldn’t have to drive. When we got there she told me she would go around the block and come back to pick me up. it was still raining, so I got out of her SUV, ran to the door, went inside and paid my ticket. When I came back outside, I stood on the little concrete porch of the building under the awning. I was looking for my friend’s vehicle when another woman came out of the building and stood on the porch next to me.
About that time, my friend pulled up in her SUV so I started running towards her. I realized that the woman next to me started running too....right next to me. I thought to myself, if she thinks we’re gonna give her a ride to her car just because it’s raining, she’s crazy! So I get to the door of my friend’s car, jerk it open and jump up into the seat. I’m getting ready to shut the door when I realize that the woman running along beside me is there too. She says, "I think you have the wrong car!" I look over at the driver’s seat. There is a total stranger sitting there. I look behind me. There’s a baby in a car seat. I look back at the driver and her mouth is wide open but she can’t say a word because she is in shock. Then I look out at the woman standing in the rain waiting to get into the vehicle. I say, "oh gosh, I’m sorry!" and I run back onto the little porch to wait for my ride. I cannot tell you how embarrassed I was. But, no, my humiliation can’t just end there. The woman who had been running beside me is only giving the woman in the vehicle papers so she runs back onto the porch with me. By this time, she is laughing. And I laugh and say, "I’m so sorry but your friend’s SUV looks just like my friend’s SUV." And, yeah, you guessed it, at that very moment, my friend pulls up and her SUV is nothing like the other SUV....different color, different make, different model.
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